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Wicked Wednesday, Probably The Biggest Eye Opener Yet!

Today is Wicked Wednesday, YAY! No I haven't gone mad. For those of you who didn't join up on the Training Academ y or worse, have never even heard of it (!!???), Wicked Wednesday is the day we get a brand new training video delivered to our inbox! This week, Tom Mitchell our very own vet behaviourist, was talking about flexibility and how it helps our dogs get along in an ever changing world. And I suddenly had a lightbulb moment! All this time, like for four years before TA, I had struggled with Lucky Dog. Although he didn't have any really major issues like reacting to other dogs/noise etc. etc. I had concluded that he was 'very routine' minded. He seemed to like to do things in a particular order. Hubby and I would joke about it, but seriously it did make for a difficult life! For instance he (Lucky not hubby) would start to worry us around seven a.m. to go for a walk. This made a weekend lie in impossible with constant whining and pacing to go out.  Even...

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