Back From Holibobs!

So. We had two weeks away on the bike ... The Boy went to stay with his favorite auntie and her crew. I was a little concerned that the two weeks we spent working on games from TA prior to leaving would all be forgotten as just two weeks of practice didn't seem long enough for anything to really stick. How wrong can a girl be? It seems that whilst we were away L.D. must have been thinking and reflecting very hard because he came back with his kibble catching skills doing magic hand up from about 75% to 99% success rate! I even messaged Sherri at the kennels to ask if they had been secretly practicing only to find that they had not! Even more impressive was a perfect middle position right on cue. I know Tom Mitchell does emphasise that rest is equally important to allow for consolidation but I didn't think two whole weeks 'rest' from games etc. was what he had in mind!

This morning we got right back on track. Salmon, pumpkin and meds in a kong, followed by a walk with lots of magic hand, even a couple of A to B's and DMT's when some early morning Babbits put in an appearance! Back home a quick try at the tennis ball and muffin pan game which he has previously shown no interest in ... suddenly the penny has dropped! Even the snuffle mat got a bit more attention than usual!

So the plan this week is to catch up on the two lessons we missed. I also realised this morning that we have been so busy playing our favorite -insert 'highly successful - games that we have been neglecting some fundamental games like orientation and proximity vortex so going to ensure we revisit those a little more regularly!


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